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New posts in spinlock

When to use MCS lock

GLSL per-pixel spinlock using imageAtomicCompSwap

opengl glsl mutex spinlock

Why linux disables kernel preemption after the kernel code holds a spinlock?

Locks around memory manipulation via inline assembly

c assembly x86 locking spinlock

spin_lock on non-preemtive linux kernels

Avoiding sleep while holding a spinlock

Are the memory barriers correct for this lock?

c++ locking atomic spinlock

In the linux kernel, will a call to kfree ever sleep?

Is a spinlock lock free?

How to migrate from OSSpinLock to os_unfair_lock()?

Does Mac OS X have pthread_spinlock_t type?

macos pthreads spinlock

How can Microsoft's OpenMP spinlock time be controlled?

How C++ Standard prevents deadlock in spinlock mutex with memory_order_acquire and memory_order_release?

Use of STREXEQ instead of STREX for spinlock implementation in ARM

Are the Linux/SMP spinlocks unnecessarily slow?

x86 linux-kernel spinlock

difference between pthread_spinlock and boost::smart_ptr::spinlock?

c++ linux performance spinlock

Interrupt on a processor while another process is spinning for lock

How to use a spin lock if copy_to_user needs to be called?

Spinlock vs std::mutex::try_lock

c++ mutex spinlock

Is memory barrier or atomic operation required in a busy-wait loop?