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New posts in memory-model

How does a Java virtual machine implement the "happens-before" memory model?

memory_order_relaxed and Atomic RMW operations

Loads and stores reordering on ARM

Does a correctly synchronized program still allow data race?(Part I)

Value representation of non-trivially copyable types

c++ object memory-model

Parallel writes of a same value

C++ value representation of non-trivially-copyable types

C++ static variable inialization and threads

Weak guarantees for non-atomic writes on GPUs?

Do locked instructions provide a barrier between weakly-ordered accesses?

What I do not understand about volatile and Memory-Barrier is

Java - is volatile required with synchronized?

C++ memory model and race conditions on char arrays

Can two sequential assignment statements in C be executed on hardware out of order?

x86 mfence and C++ memory barrier

Why 'acquire/release' can not guarantee sequential consistency in c++11?

When is a memory_order_seq_cst fence useful?

Bound view model property updated in background thread; will the UI always see the updated value?