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pie chart of co-presence in clusters for about 10 factors in r

what is binary data?

How to check whether an int variable contains a legal (not trap representation) value?

Why does Octave round to 1 'earlier' than 0?

How to get rid of the single quotes around the representation of a string?

Pygraphviz / networkx set node level or layer

How does OCaml represent lazy values at runtime?

Does const_cast ever cause actual code emission?

How to represent a binary tree with tables (html)?

In Perl 6, how can I convert from raw bytes to floating point using the NativeCall interface?

Is there a single character day of the week convention?

Efficiency: char array vs int array

Representing dynamic typing in C

c data-representation

R largest/smallest representable numbers

r data-representation

What do the C and C++ standards say about bit-level integer representation and manipulation?

What is “2's Complement”?