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Representing dynamic typing in C

I'm writing a dynamically-typed language. Currently, my objects are represented in this way:

struct Class { struct Class* class; struct Object* (*get)(struct Object*,struct Object*); };
struct Integer { struct Class* class; int value; };
struct Object { struct Class* class; };
struct String { struct Class* class; size_t length; char* characters; };

The goal is that I should be able to pass everything around as a struct Object* and then discover the type of the object by comparing the class attribute. For example, to cast an integer for use I would simply do the following (assume that integer is of type struct Class*):

struct Object* foo = bar();

// increment foo
if(foo->class == integer)
    ((struct Integer*)foo)->value++;

The problem is that, as far as I know, the C standard makes no promises about how structures are stored. On my platform this works. But on another platform struct String might store value before class and when I accessed foo->class in the above I would actually be accessing foo->value, which is obviously bad. Portability is a big goal here.

There are alternatives to this approach:

struct Object
    struct Class* class;
    union Value
        struct Class c;
        int i;
        struct String s;
    } value;

The problem here is that the union uses up as much space as the size of the largest thing that can be stored in the union. Given that some of my types are many times as large as my other types, this would mean that my small types (int) would take up as much space as my large types (map) which is an unacceptable tradeoff.

struct Object
    struct Class* class;
    void* value;

This creates a level of redirection that will slow things down. Speed is a goal here.

The final alternative is to pass around void*s and manage the internals of the structure myself. For example, to implement the type test mentioned above:

void* foo = bar();

// increment foo
if(*((struct Class*) foo) == integer)
    (*((int*)(foo + sizeof(struct Class*))))++;

This gives me everything I want (portability, different sizes for different types, etc.) but has at least two downsides:

  1. Hideous, error-prone C. The code above only calculates a single-member offset; it will get much worse with types more complex than integers. I might be able to alleviate this a bit using macros, but this will be painful no matter what.
  2. Since there is no struct that represents the object, I don't have the option of stack allocations (at least without implementing my own stack on the heap).

Basically, my question is, how can I get what I want without paying for it? Is there a way to be portable, have variance in size for different types, not use redirection, and keep my code pretty?

EDIT: This is the best response I've ever received for an SO question. Choosing an answer was hard. SO only allows me to choose one answer so I chose the one that lead me to my solution, but you all received upvotes.

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Imagist Avatar asked Sep 28 '09 05:09


People also ask

Does C have dynamic typing?

Just as the assumption that all Strongly-typed languages are Statically-typed, not all Weakly-typed languages are Dynamically-typed; PHP is a dynamically-typed language, but C — also a weakly-typed language — is indeed statically-typed.

How is dynamic typing implemented?

The operations on these dynamic data types (add, subtract, compare) are usually implemented by a virtual method table, which is for each data type a number of pointers to functions that implement the desired functionality in a type-specific way.

What is dynamic typing in Objective-C?

Objective-C uses the id data type to represent a variable that is an object without specifying what sort of object it is. This is referred to as dynamic typing. Dynamic typing contrasts with static typing, in which the system explicitly identifies the class to which an object belongs at compile time.

What is dynamic typing programming?

Dynamically-typed languages are those (like JavaScript) where the interpreter assigns variables a type at runtime based on the variable's value at the time.

2 Answers

See Python PEP 3123 (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3123/) for how Python solves this problem using standard C. The Python solution can be directly applied to your problem. Essentially you want to do this:

struct Object { struct Class* class; };
struct Integer { struct Object object; int value; };
struct String { struct Object object; size_t length; char* characters; };

You can safely cast Integer* to Object*, and Object* to Integer* if you know that your object is an integer.

like image 88
Josh Haberman Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10

Josh Haberman

C gives you sufficient guarantees that your first approach will work. The only modification you need to make is that in order to make the pointer aliasing OK, you must have a union in scope that contains all of the structs that you are casting between:

union allow_aliasing {
    struct Class class;
    struct Object object;
    struct Integer integer;
    struct String string;

(You don't need to ever use the union for anything - it just has to be in scope)

I believe the relevant part of the standard is this:

[#5] With one exception, if the value of a member of a union object is used when the most recent store to the object was to a different member, the behavior is implementation-defined. One special guarantee is made in order to simplify the use of unions: If a union contains several structures that share a common initial sequence (see below), and if the union object currently contains one of these structures, it is permitted to inspect the common initial part of any of them anywhere that a declaration of the completed type of the union is visible. Two structures share a common initial sequence if corresponding members have compatible types (and, for bit-fields, the same widths) for a sequence of one or more initial members.

(This doesn't directly say it's OK, but I believe that it does guarantee that if two structs have a common intial sequence and are put into a union together, they'll be laid out in memory the same way - it's certainly been idiomatic C for a long time to assume this, anyway).

like image 20
caf Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 01:10
