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C - casting int to char and append char to char



I am making my first parallel application, but I am stuck with basics of C. I need to know, how to cast int to char and then how to append one char to another.

It you could help me please, i would be glad. Thank you.

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Waypoint Avatar asked Feb 15 '11 19:02


People also ask

Can you type cast int to char in C?

We can convert an integer to the character by adding a '0' (zero) character. The char data type is represented as ascii values in c programming. Ascii values are integer values if we add the '0' then we get the ASCII of that integer digit that can be assigned to a char variable.

What happens if you cast int to char?

We can convert int to char in java using typecasting. To convert higher data type into lower, we need to perform typecasting. Here, the ASCII character of integer value will be stored in the char variable. To get the actual value in char variable, you can add '0' with int variable.

How do I cast to char?

To typecast something, simply put the type of variable you want the actual variable to act as inside parentheses in front of the actual variable. (char)a will make 'a' function as a char. the equivalent of the number 65 (It should be the letter A for ASCII).

1 Answers

You can use itoa function to convert the integer to a string.

You can use strcat function to append characters in a string at the end of another string.

If you want to convert a integer to a character, just do the following -

int a = 65;
char c = (char) a;

Note that since characters are smaller in size than integer, this casting may cause a loss of data. It's better to declare the character variable as unsigned in this case (though you may still lose data).

To do a light reading about type conversion, go here.

If you are still having trouble, comment on this answer.


Go here for a more suitable example of joining characters.

Also some more useful link is given below -

  1. http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstring/strncat/
  2. http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstring/strcat/

Second Edit

char msg[200];
int msgLength;
char rankString[200];

........... // Your message has arrived
msgLength = strlen(msg);
itoa(rank, rankString, 10); // I have assumed rank is the integer variable containing the rank id

strncat( msg, rankString, (200 - msgLength) );  // msg now contains previous msg + id

// You may loose some portion of id if message length + id string length is greater than 200

Third Edit

Go to this link. Here you will find an implementation of itoa. Use that instead.

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MD Sayem Ahmed Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09

MD Sayem Ahmed