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New posts in memory-barriers

Memory barriers in Parallel.For

Compare and Swap on x86 - why is it a full barrier?

Least-restrictive memory ordering for single-producer, single-consumer ringbuffer?

Understanding memory order relaxed in C++

What are the exact inter-thread reordering constraints on mutex.lock() and .unlock() in c++11 and up?

How are memory_order_seq_cst fences useful anymore in C++20?

Reducing bus traffic for cache line invalidation

Does `xchg` encompass `mfence` assuming no non-temporal instructions?

Why does using MFENCE with store instruction block prefetching in L1 cache?

Memory order in shared pointer destructor

std::memory_order_relaxed atomicity with respect to the same atomic variable

Dependent loads reordering in CPU

volatile variables and memory barrier in java

how is a memory barrier in linux kernel is used

Least restrictive memory ordering for spin-lock with two atomics

Memory barriers and Linux kernel spinlock on TILE-Gx

Threading & implicit memory barriers

Which memory barrier does glGenerateMipmap require?

How to write observable example for instruction reorder?

c++ memory-barriers