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New posts in maven-3

How to make maven-compiler-plugin not hide error source locations

Deploying 3rd party packages to my internal repo using maven using custom wagon

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How to ignore missing filter file error on pom.xml in Eclipse when using resource filtering?

Need to convert maven's ${project.basedir} from single backslash to double

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How do I preserve whitespace in a Maven plugin configuration?

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Maven release plugin with git, error if commits are pushed during process

Best startup JSF 2.2 archetype

Maven: The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

maven maven-3

Jenkins plug-in developing - Maven issue: Unknown packaging: hpi

Maven job in Jenkins not showing ERRORs in Console Output

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Manually attach main artifact if built by maven-assembly-plugin

Apache Ivy and local Maven repo - how to handle snapshots built with Maven 3

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can I specify a maven project.artifactId at runtime?

maven maven-3

java generics: compiler error not shown in eclipse

Is the tag "<optional>" valid in dependencyManagement element?

Exclude resources from dependency jar

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Maven could not find artifact that already exists in repository

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How to activate profile based on goal being executed

Maven Release Plugin - svn: E200007: Source and destination URLs appear not to point to the same repository

Writing an annotation processor for maven-processor-plugin