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New posts in maven-3

Wrong encoding after activating resource filtering

Configure Jenkins for different user.home

java linux jenkins maven-3 rhel

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jetty.Server

java jetty maven-3

Maven: dependency appears in effective pom but not in dependency tree

My PITEST won't run. Coverage generation minion exited abnormally. I need help to configure my pom.xml properly

Maven tomcat7-maven-plugin not found error

Maven - Multiple artifact versions in dependency management

Auto deploy on save Netbeans entreprise project using maven

maven create zip with jar and some more files

How to include all modules from pom project

java maven maven-3

Jenkins Build Error: Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure

jenkins build maven-3 yarnpkg

Execution time of tests in unit test class via maven surefire-report in a single file in summarized format

APKLIB does not get installed in Maven Repo

android maven maven-3

maven-dependency-plugin:unpack Error

Maven transitive dependency has scope compile while when dependency has provided scope

Run remote command via ssh using Maven3

Shared Maven Repository across developers

java maven maven-3

Excluding package with maven-compiler-plugin works for one package but doesn't work for another

How to setup Maven dependencies between test folders in two projects?

Change maven properties using Ant task