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New posts in macros

Emacs insert centered comment block

emacs macros latex elisp center

A group of variadic macros

How can this racket code for an anaphoric -> or ->> macro be improved?

macros scheme racket

Calling multiple macros from another macro in C++

c++ macros preprocessor

How to create a C macro for appending /n to every printf

c visual-studio macros printf

Racket macro for expanding code

How to make a preprocessor macro greedy?

Difficulty in understanding the offsetof MACRO

Checking for empty for loops in C++

c++ templates macros

How to pass named loop labels to a macro in Rust?

macros rust

How can you mock macros in clojure for tests?

unit-testing clojure macros

Clojure, unquote slicing outside of syntax quote

multiple definition of a function

c++ macros

Is it possible to define a macro which handles grammatical cases?

macros rust

Macros expansion using ## operator

c macros expansion

Simplifying Rust macro rules for nested looping

macros rust

Passing computed list to an Elixir macro

macros elixir

How this backquote "syntax" works in lisp?

"Local" labels in C and jump table implementation

weird bracket & macro syntax in c

c arrays pointers macros