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Is it possible to define a macro which handles grammatical cases?




I'd like to define a macro callme which can be applied like this.

fn main() {
    let a=4;
    let b=5;
        a (b) => { a+b } ;
        a (b) => { a*b } ;
        a (b) ~ C

I do not know how to get a working macro definition for callme. Currently I'm trying something like this:

macro_rules! callme {
        $($A: ident ($B: ident) => {$E: expr}) ; *
    ) => (
            println!("{:?} {:?} {:?}", $A, $B, $E);
        ) *
        $($A: ident ($B: ident) ~ $Q: ident) ; *
    ) => (
            println!("We got {:?} . {:?} . {:?}", $A, $B, $Q);
        ) *

This does not work, because I cannot use both syntax cases at once.

like image 680
Leonard7E Avatar asked Jan 29 '23 14:01


1 Answers

When you're working with a token stream, it's easier to leave it to recursion to process your pieces in cases like this. You could for instance do:

macro_rules! callme {
    ($A:ident ($B:ident) => { $E:expr }; $($rest:tt)*) => {
        println!("{:?} {:?} {:?}", $A, $B, $E);

    ($A:ident ($B:ident) ~ $Q:ident; $($rest:tt)*) => {
        println!("We got {:?} . {:?} . {:?}", $A, $B, $Q);

    () => {};

fn main() {
    let a=4;
    let b=5;
    let c = "C";
        a (b) => { a+b } ;
        a (b) => { a*b } ;
        a (b) ~ c;

(On Playground)

Note that after each set of tokens, you gather all the remaining tokens and leave them to be handled by a later call to callme!, with a final () => {} to indicate a completion condition.

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loganfsmyth Avatar answered Feb 03 '23 14:02
