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New posts in internationalization

How do I override generic activerecord error messages in ruby-on-rails?

iPhone: localization / internationalization default strings file

Solr / Sunspot - determine indexing language at runtime, dynamically choose analyzers

How to format numbers and dates based on user locale settings?

Internationalization with Angular 4

What is a minimal set of unicode characters for reasonable Japanese support?

Using Python locale or equivalent in web applications?

Subfolders in App_GlobalResources (ASP.NET)

Inno setup i18n for custom panel

Python - is there a way to make all strings unicode in a project by default?

Bullet Points Positioning with Arabic RTL direction

Caused by: org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException: No message found under code

Rails 3 i18n how to *not* escape newlines

Retrieve locale based on the Accept-Language in Spring Boot

Process for localization of Delphi 2009 app by volunteer translators?

Regex to parse international floating-point numbers

Use different fonts for Latin characters and Japanese characters with CSS

problem with Double.TryParse when I do not know the culture

How to add route parameter before MVC choses a route

Rails: changing locale and keeping page parameters