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New posts in internationalization

Google Maps Android API v2, Marker title/snippet wrong display

standard function to translate iso-639 codes to language name?

Access Angular2 translation from component or service

Translated attributes in Rails error messages (Rails 2.3.2, I18N)

Why does everyone use latin1?

Yup doesn't work properly with i18n

Use 'now' in django blocktrans?

django i18n not working

Yii2 translation does not work

Django 1.9 to 1.10 raises NoReverseMatch: u'en-gb' is not a registered namespace

Why is text in Swedish from a resource bundle showing up as gibberish? [duplicate]

How to decide the language from cookies/headers/session in webapp2?

Internationalization with Nibs. Is that really a good idea?

How can using gettext help me here?

what is best practice to implement i18n usage java? [closed]

java internationalization

multiline text using vuejs i18n

How to configure Rails routes to accommodate i18n

Working with Unicode strings in Delphi 7

String.Format consider locale or not?

c# internationalization

How to use Rails I18n.t to translate an ActiveRecord attribute?