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New posts in vue-i18n

Rendered HTML in bootstrap-vue table header

How can I display currency with decimal and without it in vue-i18n

vue.js vuejs2 vue-i18n

Access vue-i18n messages as object

javascript vue.js vue-i18n

Vue-i18n - npm run serve fails with error TypeError: Cannot read property 'i18n' of undefined

vue.js vue-i18n

Prefix routes with locale in vue.js (using vue-i18n)

Setting the language attribute when using i18n and Nuxt?

How to integrate VeeValidate with vue-i18n?

Vue-Router language based route prefix

How to use multiple files per language with vue-i18n in vue?

vue.js vuetify.js vue-i18n

How to use vue-i18n with Vue class components?

Get current locale in a child component

vue.js vue-i18n

vue add i18n runs into error with vuejs3 and @vue/cli 4.5.4, what does the error mean and how to debug?

Vue 3 + vue-i18n-next: what am I doing wrong?

Internationalization in Vue.js using vue-i18n getting JSON Object from API server

vue-i18n - Detect 'unknown' type of token

vuejs2 vue-i18n

Internationalization of Vuetify data table header

Multiple translations files per language with vue-i18n and nuxtjs

Using Vuetify with i18n using CDNs only

How to use Vue i18n translation in .js file?

How to use vue-i18n inside my vue-route?

vue.js vue-router vue-i18n