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Why is "this" undefined in Vue Composition API setup function?

Question about Vue 3 + TypeScript and Augmenting-Types-for-Use-with-Plugins

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Vite import CSS with alias in main.ts

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Vue: Migrating to vue3?

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Applying Primevue theme

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Vue composition API use VueAxios?

How do I import an svg in Vue 3?

Vue.js 3: props type validation with custom type

Vue.js 3: Cannot import Vue global object

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Vue Composition API: Is there a better way in calling `emit` inside consumable file?

Accessing a Proxy object in Vue3

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Can Vue2 components be used in Vue3

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"export 'default' (imported as 'Chart') was not found in 'chart.js'

How to import boostrap v5 (js + css) into nuxt.js v2.14 with vue v3 project?

How to set initial focus on input field on page load (with VueJS 3 using Composition API)

Webpack 'vue-loader' compilation issues with '@vue/compiler-sfc'

Vue 3 - app.config is undefined. How to bypass this error?

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Error: Cannot find module '@vue/cli-service/generator/template/src/App.vue' with vite

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Petite-vue Init attribute in HTML script tag

Vuejs 3 emit event from child to parent component