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New posts in vue-composition-api

Why is "this" undefined in Vue Composition API setup function?

Vue Composition API: Is there a better way in calling `emit` inside consumable file?

How to set initial focus on input field on page load (with VueJS 3 using Composition API)

Vue Composition Reactive properties are not updating in components

Vue.js 3 : a `v-model` looses reactivity when `data()` converted to `setup()`

How do you access Vue-Composition-API type refs & "data" within Jest tests?

Router async beforeEach triggers two routes

Setup method is not being called

Vue: how to merge two reactive objects without loosing reactivity

How to validate a form with ref in Vue Composition API

Vue.js, composition API, "Mixins" and life-cycle hooks

Vue 3 Inject with Typescript

Vue 3 setup reactive fetch with async json

Vuejs 3 emit event from child to parent component

How to correctly import Axios in vue 3 after creating new project with CLI?

Why did I get blank (empty) content when I used async setup() in Vue.js 3?

Vue Composition API: Defining emits

Vue router with Vue 3 raises the error "Uncaught TypeError: Object(...) is not a function"

Vue.js 3 and typescript : Property '$store' does not exist on type 'ComponentPublicInstance