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New posts in vue-class-components

Vue Class Based Component Warning: Property is not defined on the instance but referenced during render

How to use vue-i18n with Vue class components?

Reactive Vue Chart.js component using Typescript

Vue Router with vue-class-component: next function does not accept callback option

vue access imported variable in template

vue-class-component : how to create and initialize reflective data

How to setup Webpack so that will be able to use Pug in both Single File Components (.vue) and "vue-class-component" classes?

Property does not exist on the type in vue-class-component

vue-class-component: Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefined

what will happen for vuejs projects based on class components in vuejs v3.0?

Vue 3 Typescript Class Component - Type 'typeof import(.../node_modules/vue/dist/vue")' is not a constructor function type