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New posts in internationalization

sencha touch i18n basics

I18N with Express/Jade: Strings with embedded tags and interpolation

Rails persisted locale

How can I combine a character followed by a "combining accent" into a single character?

Php str_replace not working with special chars

How to get a list of month names in javascript using Intl

how to uppercase date and month first letter of ToLongDateString() result in es-mx Culture?

Getting OS language in java

Getting strings from i18n YAML file?

How Do I Capture the Subdomain in a Django URL Pattern?

Yii2 translation

internationalization yii2

How to abbreviate large numbers in a i18n-friendly way?


fileReplacements in angular.cli serve configuration

How do you internationalise text in the database?

How to show all asked-for Translation Strings in Rails?

Translate "Buttons" in jQuery UI Dialogs

Are string functions ASCII-safe in PHP?

How to localise html5 meta tag information

iOS localization in XCode 7

Word wrap algorithms for Japanese