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Rails: changing locale and keeping page parameters

I have a navbar with links to different languages:

<%= link_to t('header.english'), locale: "en" %>

The problem is when user tries to switch language on a page which contains additional parameters in the url. Changing locale at this point reloads the page and strips all the additional parameters.

So, how do I pass all the parameters from the current page to the locale switch link?

For example, when


is open, and user switches the locale,


is opened, and both additional parameters are stripped away from the url.

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Alexander Savin Avatar asked Oct 04 '12 12:10

Alexander Savin

2 Answers

If you need locale param to stay in all requests it's good to use this approach:

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
def default_url_options(options={})
  { locale: I18n.locale }

from rails guide

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Sergii Mostovyi Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10

Sergii Mostovyi

EDIT: THIS IS NOT A GOOD WAY TO DO THIS. See comments below.

The problem is that you are not passing the current params to link_to when you create the locale switcher link.

Change your navbar link to:

<%= link_to t('header.english'), params.merge(locale: "en") %>

See also: Add querystring parameters to link_to

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Chris Salzberg Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10

Chris Salzberg