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Add existing ruby to RVM

I had ruby 1.8.7 and rails 2.3.5 installed on my machine.I had install RVM with ruby 1.9.3 and rails 3.2.0.

So i want to add existing ruby 1.8.7 to RVM.How can i do?

like image 399
Sandip Karanjekar Avatar asked Jun 21 '12 05:06

Sandip Karanjekar

People also ask

Does RVM use Ruby version?

Ruby Version Manager (RVM) is a utility that allows you to add your own personal version of Ruby to a user. It allows you to add, remove, or have multiple versions of Ruby and its libraries live in your user directory.

Is Rbenv better than RVM?

While the versatility of RVM can be resourceful, when it comes to Ruby version management, it can be overkill. Using rbenv allows you to keep things simple and let other tools handle other aspects of the process. rbenv's primary focus on Ruby versioning leads to a more dev-friendly setup and configuration.

Can I use both RVM and Rbenv?

In rbenv you need to add this to your profile to load the rbenv command-line function. Once you've restarted your shell you now have access to RVM/rbenv. It is important to note that RVM and rbenv cannot be installed at the same time because of the way RVM handles the 'gem' command.

1 Answers

To install ruby 1.8.7 through RVM

rvm install ruby-1.8.7

To use existing system ruby

rvm use system
like image 54
Nick Colgan Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 03:10

Nick Colgan