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What is the precision of highp floats in GLSL ES 2.0 (for iPhone/iPod touch/iPad)?

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From RGB to HSV in OpenGL GLSL

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What does the term "genType" mean in OpenGL/GLSL?

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Point Sprites for particle system

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What does sampler2D store?

opengl glsl

How do I get the current color of a fragment?

Organizing GLSL shaders in OpenGL engine

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How can I pass multiple textures to a single shader?

Adding GLSL syntax highlighting to Eclipse [closed]

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WebGL - is there an alternative to embedding shaders in HTML?

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What does it mean to normalize a value?

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Passing a variable to an OpenGL GLSL shader

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Vertex shader attribute mapping in GLSL

printf in GLSL?


Should I ever use a `vec3` inside of a uniform buffer or shader storage buffer object?

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How can I improve the performance of my custom OpenGL ES 2.0 depth texture generation?

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GLSL multiple shaderprogram VS uniforms switches

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How to get a "Glow" shader effect in OpenGL ES 2.0?

Tools for GLSL editing [closed]

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How to calculate Tangent and Binormal?

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