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Many-to-Many link tables in grails (GORM) / hibernate

Java EE 6: controlling startup of managed beans with dependencies: CDI, EJB

ejb-3.0 java-ee-6 cdi

Multi-threading in EJB's

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Lookup returns new instance of Stateful session bean

Are there any EJB migration tools available for migrating EJB 2.1 toEJB 3.x

java ejb ejb-3.0 ejb-3.1 ejb-2.x

What is EJB alternative in Spring Framework

Getting Exception - java.lang.IllegalStateException: A JTA EntityManager cannot use getTransaction()

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@EJB injection vs lookup - performance issue

WebLogic ERROR: No credential mapper entry found for password indirection user=db_user?

weblogic ejb-3.0

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Named query not found:

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Difference between Repository and DAO design patterns [duplicate]

EJB3 Business Logic Patterns & Practices

JSF2: Open Session in View with EJBs?

Configuring MappedName annotation in Message Driven Bean dynamically

How can I override an EJB 3 session bean method with a generic argument - if possible at all? [closed]

Can remote stateless session bean references be cached in EJB3?

Using stateless EJB beans in an Entity Bean

java jpa ejb-3.0