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New posts in ejb-3.0

Is the @Resource annotation applied when a Stateless EJB is deserialized?

java jakarta-ee ejb-3.0

Is it possible to invoke methods of secured EJBs through message-driven beans?

How do I call a remote EJB in an EAR from another?

Is it okay to pass injected EntityManagers to EJB bean's helper classes and use it?

Unit test error (JSF): Absent Code attribute in method that is not native or abstract

unit-testing jsf ejb-3.0

In Restful web services how to get username or password programmatically (basic authentication)

Are EJB Timers supposed to be persistent/reliable?

EJB module initialization listener

java ejb-3.0 ejb listeners

EJB3 Business Delegates

java jsf jakarta-ee ejb-3.0

EJB application shutdown hook

java ejb-3.0 monitoring jmx

EJB 3 injection into spring beans

java spring jakarta-ee ejb-3.0

Programmatically determining JNDI root context / ear name in JBoss 5.1

Difference between Stateless and Stateful session bean


Services with missing/unavailable dependencies

java mysql persistence ejb-3.0

How to specify name for resource annotations in compile time?

java ejb-3.0

JavaEE6: using @Asynchronous to speed up the web application. When?

How to Inject a Bean with EJB 3.1 before the class constructor runs?

Can we use ejb-jar.xml instead of annotations for MessageDrivenBean(MDB) in EJB 3.0?

JNDI lookup of EJB3 inside an EAR file on Glassfish

java ejb-3.0 jndi local

Out of Memory When Loading Java Entities

java jpa jakarta-ee ejb-3.0