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New posts in ejb-3.0

Can stateful session beans cause a leak when no @Remove annotated method is called?

java ejb ejb-3.0

How do I obtain a new stateful session bean in a servlet thread?

How is the return-value of SessionContext.getBusinessObject() different from 'this' keyword used in the bean?

java ejb-3.0

logback with EJB3.1

What features does EJB3 bring and also how does EJB3 stack up with the Spring Framework? [closed]

java spring ejb-3.0 ejb

EJB3 or "Spring3 + hibernate" which one suitable

Migrating from EJB3 to Spring, Hibernate

spring jboss ejb-3.0

Understanding EJB3/JPA container-level transactions and isolation level

Change ejb3 webservice url in weblogic

web-services ejb-3.0

Top reason not to use EJB 3.0 again?

java jakarta-ee ejb-3.0

JPA , many-to-many relation, deleting all previous relations and entering the new relations

Project architecture/organization on Java EE application with EJB 3.0, JPA, Dynamic web projects on JBoss

Accessing an EJB3 bean in a jar from an independently deployed war (not packaged in ear)

jsf ejb-3.0

TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER vs TransactionManagementType.BEAN

EJB with CMT when migrate from JBoss 7 to WildFly 9

instance variables in stateless session beans

Glassfish 2.1 EJB 3.0 Exposing local EJB to other applications running in the same domain/jvm

ejb-3.0 glassfish-2.x

I can't setup my jndi.properties to access remote EJBs on Jboss 5

java jboss ejb ejb-3.0 jboss5.x

JavaEE 6: @EJB(beanInterface="")