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New posts in javabeans

Converting POJO into XML without default POJO constructor

Why bean class should be serialized

Java: accessing bean-type methods of an Object through reflection

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JSF <c:if <c:choose problem

JSF Static Bean Variable Scope

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How to submit a form with a checkbox?

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Why Beans on spring-servlet.xml can't access beans in my applicationContext.xml

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Can Message Driven bean implements other interface than MessageListener?

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Spring Bean Wiring

Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0: No qualifying bean of type - Spring boot

How to preserve leading white space while reading yaml

Spring bean's DESTROY-METHOD attribute and web-application "prototype"d bean

java spring scope javabeans

Accessing Javascript variables from JSF [duplicate]

Register FilterRegistrationBean of same type twice

java bean validation 2.0 vs hibernate validator

Spring Boot - Load bean only if it is enabled by a property

JSF - Set multiple values on @ManagedProperty in a single bean

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Learning "large-scale" Java technologies

Need help using <c:forEach> in JSP/JSTL

How do I access a custom bean in Spring MVC controller class?