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New posts in transactionmanager

TransactionManager and datasource in spring boot - spring data

Why are the transactions rolled back even when propagation=Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW in second method in Spring service class?

Spring JDBC transaction manager

JDBCTemplate with TransactionTemplate and Connection Pool, which datasource to use

TransactionManager cannot initialize

TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER vs TransactionManagementType.BEAN

Spring TransactionManager - commit does not work

UPDATE statement on table xxx' expected to update 1 row(s); 0 were matched with Zope transactionmanager

Why is HIbernateTransactionManager required in Spring?

Does the Spring transaction manager bind a connection to a thread?

How do you test Spring @Transactional without just hitting hibernate level 1 cache or doing manual session flush?

Working with Spring Data JPA, Hibernate and multiple transaction manager: No bean named 'transactionManager' is defined

Is there a way to define a default transaction manager in Spring

Spring @Transactional with a transaction across multiple data sources

Spring - Is it possible to use multiple transaction managers in the same application?