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Can Kafka be provided with custom LoginModule to support LDAP?

apache-kafka ldap jaas sasl

Spark Scala Jaas configuration

Get HttpSession/Request in a JAAS Login Module

jakarta-ee jaas jacc

JBOSS 7 with two contexts. One with SSL Mutual Auth and the other just SSL

How do I access JAAS roles at arbitrary point in the code?

ActiveMQ authorization

What is the difference between JAAS, SAML and Realm

j_security_check with Primefaces

What does this error mean SECJ0222E in WebSphere Application Server 5.1

websphere jaas

Accesing spring context from jaas LoginModule [closed]

j_security_check - can additional parameters be passed for form submits?

java tomcat jaas

How to obtain renewable kerberos tickets using java GSS+JAAS

java kerberos jaas jtds jgss

java.security.auth.login.config file in path with space

java jaas

Retrieve requested URL before JAAS redirect it


apache-kafka acl jaas

JSch can't connect via Kerberos keytab file

ssh kerberos jsch jaas keytab

How to show JAAS LoginException on error page