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Can Kafka be provided with custom LoginModule to support LDAP?

apache-kafka ldap jaas sasl

How to install SASL with Python 3.8?

python-3.8 sasl pyhive

Is libsasl2 broken on OSX Yosemite? Missing sasl_client_done

c macos osx-yosemite sasl

Java heap space - Out of memory error - Kafka Broker with SASL_SSL

SASL library for .net

zookeeper sasl authentication issue

Kafka producer in a multi-broker, multi-server cluster cannot write to newly created topic

How to generate an XOAUTH parameter using OAuth2.0 for use with Gmail IMAP protocol?

oauth gmail imap sasl

Does *anyone* have Windows SVNServe authenticating to AD/Kerberos via SASL/GSSAPI?

windows svn sasl gssapi svnserve

Influence of KRC and SASL on Haskell?

SMTP with CRAM-MD5 in Java

java smtp sasl

SVN + SASL + ActiveDirectory: How to

SASL vs. gssapi

sasl gssapi

Kerberos/SASSL/OpenLDAP : GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information ()

Trying to log into XMPP server using Smack results in SASL "not authorized"

java xmpp smack sasl

ldap_sasl_bind_s(GSSAPI) - What should be provided in the credentials BERVAL structure

ldap sasl gssapi

sasl/saslwrapper.h:22:23: fatal error: sasl/sasl.h: No such file or directory

python python-2.7 sasl