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Many-to-Many link tables in grails (GORM) / hibernate

I'm playing aroud with Grails and am finding the ORM stuff tedious because I don't fully understand what I'm doing when it comes to domain classes. I'm hoping someone can put me back on track

Consider the following

Test Job One:Many Hardware Used on Job Many:One Physical Hardware

...this is analogous to the classic Order, OrderLine, Product scenario seen in university DB examples

I've created the following domain classes

class Job
  String jobName
  String jobDescription

class HardwareOnJob
   static hasMany = [  jobs:Job, physicalHardware:PhysicalHardware ]
   static belongsTo = Job

   String role

class PhysicalHardware
  String assetName
  String model
  String os 

The question I need to ask is why does Grails create me two extra tables in my database rather than using the link entity/domain class I've defined. For instance Grails creates hardware_on_job_job and hardware_on_job_physical_hardware in the database.

Using the scaffolded controllers I can enter some hardware, enter a job and then enter link the two together. The question I have is why does it create these two extra tables rather than use the domain object (HardwareOnJob) I've specified.

Any help/guidance would be very much appreciated as going nuts looking at this and trying new things. Btw I'm on grails version 1.2.1

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K2J Avatar asked Feb 10 '10 17:02


People also ask

What is GORM in Grails?

GORM is the data access toolkit used by Grails and provides a rich set of APIs for accessing relational and non-relational data including implementations for Hibernate (SQL), MongoDB, Neo4j, Cassandra, an in-memory ConcurrentHashMap for testing and an automatic GraphQL schema generator.

What is hibernate in Grails?

If GORM (Grails Object Relational Mapping) is not flexible enough for your liking you can alternatively map your domain class using Hibernate. To do this create a hibernate. cfg. xml file in the grails-app/conf/hibernate directory of your project and the corresponding HBM mapping xml files for your domain classes.

What is static mapping in Grails?

The mapping static property configures how GORM maps the domain class to the database. See the section on the ORM DSL in the user guide for more information.

What is Grails domain class?

A domain class fulfills the M in the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern and represents a persistent entity that is mapped onto an underlying database table. In Grails a domain is a class that lives in the grails-app/domain directory.

2 Answers

Have a look at the joinTable keyword which:

Customizes the join table used for undirectional one-to-many, many-to-many and primitive collection types

Here is the example from the user guide:

class Book {
    String title
    static belongsTo = Author
    static hasMany = [authors:Author]

    static mapping = {
        authors joinTable:[name:"mm_author_books", key:'mm_book_id' ]
class Author {
    String name
    static hasMany = [books:Book]

    static mapping = {
        books joinTable:[name:"mm_author_books", key:'mm_author_id']

like image 81
Heinrich Filter Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Heinrich Filter

consider using an explicit association class/table. see the membership class in http://www.grails.org/Many-to-Many+Mapping+without+Hibernate+XML

a side benefit is scaffolding for the association class (you won't get this without an explicit association class).

like image 23
Ray Tayek Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Ray Tayek