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New posts in stateless-session-bean

What does a stateless session bean provide over just a normal class?

J2EE Application/Bean configuration Best Practices?

EJB3 Business Logic Patterns & Practices

Can remote stateless session bean references be cached in EJB3?

What is the point of having global variable in a Stateless Session Bean?

NameNotFoundException when calling a EJB in Weblogic 10.3

WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies when injecting EntityManager

Why Stateless session beans?

Java EE 6: How to call Stateful Session Bean from Stateless Session Bean?

ContextNotActiveException while calling @Asynchronous method of @Stateless bean

Stateless session bean with instance variables

Is it possible to @Inject a @RequestScoped bean into a @Stateless EJB?

Why pool Stateless session beans?

When to use Stateful session bean over Stateless session bean?