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Effective C++: Item 41 - confusion about Implicit interfaces

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Interview question; what is the main theme of Effective C++? [closed]

c++ effective-c++

Did I understand correctly the point of Scott Meyers' example of std::weak_ptr?

Understanding of Scott Meyers' third example of std::weak_ptr

Assignment of function pointers (effective c++ item 35) [duplicate]

About downcasting from base class to subclass pointer

How to understand the typedef in this declaration

Symbol Table created by the C++ compiler

How many temporary objects are created when two objects are added together without the return value optimization?

What's the preferred sequence to read Effective, More Effective & Effective Modern C++ (and STL)? [closed]

c++ effective-c++

Can I rewrite a logging macro with stream operators to use a C++ template function?

c++ macros effective-c++

C++: Scott Meyers "Effective STL": item 31: know your sorting options: help to understand

Template in C++, why have to use enum

c++ effective-c++

Why does one need a null shared_ptr and how can it be used?

Forward declaration include, on top of declaration include (ClassFwd.h + Class.h)

fill std::array in the member initialization list

"Avoid returning handles to object internals", so what's the alternative?

c++ effective-c++

Is it appropriate to set a value to a "const char *" in the header file

Effective C++ Item 23 Prefer non-member non-friend functions to member functions

What function does C++ write and call in an empty class?