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Understanding of Scott Meyers' third example of std::weak_ptr

The final example at page 137 of Effective Modern C++ draws the scenario of a data structure with objects A, B, and C in it, connected to each other via std::shared_ptr in the following way:

   std::shared_ptr       std::shared_ptr
A ─────────────────▶ B ◀───────────────── C

To me, this implies that the classes which objects A and C are instance of (two unrelated classes, in general) must contain a std::shared_ptr<classOfB> member.

Then the supposition is made that we need a pointer from B back to A, and the available options are listed: the pointer can be raw, shared, or weak, and the last one is picked up as the best candidate.

   std::shared_ptr       std::shared_ptr
A ─────────────────▶ B ◀───────────────── C

I do understand the weaknesses (ahahah) of the first two alternatives, but I also see that the third alternative requires that member A be already managed by some std::shared_ptr, otherwise how can a std::weak_ptr point to it at all?

However the book does not refer to this "limitation"/assumption/whatever, so the truth is either

  • I'm wrong
  • I'm right but that assumption is obvious for some reason I don't understand
  • The assumption is obvious for the exact reason that a std::weak_ptr needs an already existing std::shared_ptr to the same object, but it's a bit strange it's not even mentioned at the beginning of the example, I think.

and I'm asking this question to understand this.

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Enlico Avatar asked Nov 19 '20 08:11


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1 Answers

You're right, and your third bullet point is correct. A std::weak_ptr always refers to an existing std::shared_ptr. So, it is once we've made the decision that A is going to contain a shared_ptr<BClass> and that the instances of A are being managed as shared_ptr<AClass>'s that we can use a weak_ptr<AClass> for the back-reference from B to A.

In a typical use case, you could have a D-class that manages three members shared_ptr<AClass> a;, shared_ptr<BClass> b; and shared_ptr<CClass> c;, and then some member function in D-class does a->SetB(b);, c->SetB(b);, b->SetA(a);, with the SetB member functions using shared_ptr's and SetA using a weak_ptr (or converting to weak_ptr within the member function). As you rightly say, if D did store the reference to A in any other way like, say, a raw pointer AClass* a; or an instance AClass a;, then using a weak_ptr would simply not be possible.

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Ángel José Riesgo Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

Ángel José Riesgo