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How do I get NERDCommenter to add comments in a particular column?

What does "Insert common prefixes automatically" do in Eclipse?

How to create a WPF Shape Editor? [closed]

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Make 'n' always search forwards, regardless of whether / or ? was used for searching

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What's the simplest way to edit conflicted files in one go when using git and an editor like Vim or textmate?

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Search for text across multiple m files within the Matlab user interface

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Sublime Text 2 - missing tabs of currently opened

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How do you change the font of an equation in PowerPoint 2010? [closed]

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Fast Windows PHP editor with SVN and FTP support? [closed]

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How can i force that tinyMCE does not convert <b> tags to <strong> tags?

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Create Snippet with variables in Atom

Visual Studio - Why do .ASPX files take so much longer to load than .ASPX.CS files?

What IDE to use for developing in Ruby on Rails on Windows? [duplicate]

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Matlab editor not using emacs shortcuts

Is there a shortcut key to comment multiple lines in matlab editor

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how to understand this vim script?

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JSON GUI creator/editor [duplicate]

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Do editors allowing you to view source code in different indent style exist?

Where is the basic Control-TAB (MRU) behavior in Xcode?

Options for collapsing YAML when viewing?

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