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Can I save/restore my split-window layout in the Eclipse Java editor?

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modern text editor similar to acme

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Is there a good emacs plugin for Python just like ESS for R and slime for Lisp? [closed]

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Is it possible to mix both the CodeMirror: Velocity mode and the CodeMirror: HTML mixed mode?

How to disable the warning of Unnecessary Using of Directive in vscode?

Is it possible to let PyCharm auto break line when writing long docstrings and comments?

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How to adjust editor scrolling in Android Studio

Xcode Data Model Editor not appearing

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GLSL Editor program [closed]

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What happened to emacs' java?

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Vibrant Ink theme for IntelliJ IDEA

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What's so great about Block Selection Mode?

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Is there a text editor with columns instead of scrolling?

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Text editor support for rmarkdown documents [closed]

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How to use vim as editor in Matlab GUI

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How to disable vim pasting to/from system clipboard?

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How to enable syntax highlighting for *.handlebars files within Visual Studio 2012?

How does one go about writing a simple WYSIWYG editor in JavaScript?

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Seek a jQuery-based inplace HTML editor

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Appending to end of line in eclipse

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