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How to set theme background color in TextMate 2?

themes textmate

PHP custom class and function autocompletion in TextMate project

Can you adjust text weight in TextMate?


RVM + Ruby 1.9.1 + ruby-debug = error?

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How do I format JavaScript program in TextMate?


In textmate, how do I reverse indent a block of selected code?

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TextMate Comment Banner in Vim

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Syntax Parsing in Text Editors

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Textmate go to the function definition?

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Is there a way to validate ruby syntax on save in Sublime Text 2? [closed]

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How to avoid pauses when editing code on a network drive?

how to show method / function list in Textmate

macos lua textmate coronasdk

Lisp code (s-expression) formatter

emacs formatting lisp textmate

How do I use TextMate as my command line subversion message editor?

svn command-line textmate

Has anyone managed to use older Textmate bundles with Textmate2?

Emacs recursive project search

Automatically reveal current file in TextMate project drawer
