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What good tiny or basic SVG editors are there? [closed]

editor svg specifications

Vim: Is vertical tab list possible?

Editor generator for ANTLR grammars?

editor antlr antlr3 xtext

What text editor for Windows or Linux supports Objective-C syntax?

objective-c editor

Repeat same HTML code in several pages

html static editor repeat

Handle arabic string in PHP with Eclipse

php eclipse editor arabic

Move to next open or closing parenthesis in VIM

vim editor

How do I open a file from a prompt with VS Code and go to a specific line number?

Taking a quick look at DiffOrig, then switching back

vim editor

Firebug-esque CSS editor

css editor firebug

Collapsable code in gedit

linux editor gedit

Primefaces editor in a dialog doesn't works

jsf-2 primefaces editor

Linux lightweight PHP editor or IDE that supports xdebug

php linux ide editor xdebug

Are there any online demo's of AsciiDoc editors demonstrating live preview? [closed]

RTL(Persian-Arabic)Letters Messed up in android studio editor

Brief editor availability [closed]

editor brief-bookmarks

Is there analog of Espresso for Windows? [closed]

How to auto-remove trailing whitespaces on save in Matlab?

Ace web editor not visible

Any Free open source WebGL editors? [closed]