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New posts in currying

How to correctly curry a function in JavaScript?

How do I uncurry a function in Python?

Why doesn't functools.partial return a real function (and how to create one that does)?

Currying for templates in C++ metaprogramming

Can Perl 6 assume a positional parameter that's not the first one?

raku currying

Why prefer currying to tuple arguments in OCaml?

ocaml tuples currying

(How) is it possible to bind/rebind a method to work with a delegate of a different signature?

How can I create curried anonymous function in scala?

Curried case class constructor on companion

Why does Scala require partial application of curried functions when assigning to a val?

scala currying

How to curry a function in Scala

Is currying the same as overloading?

Partial Binding of Function Arguments

Are functions of arity-n really just an n-category due to currying? Can they be made into a 1-category?

Why is currying and uncurrying not implicit in scala

Does using currying result in lower performance in F#?

f# currying

Function composition in Haskell with tuple arguments [duplicate]

Need help understanding currying using groovy closures?

What does uncurry ($) do?

Simple Currying in Ruby

ruby currying