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New posts in companion-object

Scala Case Class Companion Objects - Conflict on the type name

How to deprecate the companion object of a case class?

Why do we have to explicitly import implicit conversions having implicit parameters from companion objects? Strange.

Overriding Companion Object Values and Scala MatchError

how to access outer class' javaClass.simpleName from companion object in kotlin?

Can't get an access to a companion object's field

scala companion-object

A class imported from a companion not usable as the constructor parameter default value

scala companion-object

Create or extend a companion object, using a macro annotation on the class

Do final vals increase the object size?

classifier does not have a companion object

Typing over companion object in Scala

Scala type alias including companion object [beginner]

How do I create an explicit companion object for a case class which behaves identically to the replaced compiler provided implicit companion object?

Can't access Parent's Members while dealing with Macro Annotations

How to implement a counter in functional programming way

Companion object cannot access private variable on the class

Companion objects - does Android want to register them as activities (?)

When to use companion object factory versus the new keyword

Why is a Scala companion object compiled into two classes(both Java and .NET compilers)?

In Scala, how can I define a companion object for a class defined in Java?