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Why is a Scala companion object compiled into two classes(both Java and .NET compilers)?

object ScalaTrueRing {
  def rule = println("To rule them all")

this piece of code will be compiled into java byte code, if I decompile it, then the equivalent Java code is similar to this:

public final class JavaTrueRing
  public static final void rule()

/*    */ public final class JavaTrueRing$
/*    */   implements ScalaObject
/*    */ {
/*    */   public static final  MODULE$;
/*    */ 
/*    */   static
/*    */   {
/*    */     new ();
/*    */   }
/*    */ 
/*    */   public void rule()
/*    */   {
/* 11 */     Predef..MODULE$.println("To rule them all");
/*    */   }
/*    */ 
/*    */   private JavaTrueRing$()
/*    */   {
/* 10 */     MODULE$ = this;
/*    */   }
/*    */ }

it's compiled into two classes, and if I use Scala.net compiler, it'll be compiled into MSIL code, and the equivalent C# code is like this:

public sealed class ScalaTrueRing
    public static void rule()

public sealed class ScalaTrueRing$ : ScalaObject
    public static ScalaTrueRing$ MODULE$;
    public override void rule()
        Predef$.MODULE$.println("To rule them all");
    private ScalaTrueRing$()
        ScalaTrueRing$.MODULE$ = this;
    static ScalaTrueRing$()
        new ScalaTrueRing$();

It's also compiled into two classes.

Why do Scala compilers(the one for Java and the one for .NET) do this? Why does not it just call the println method in the static rule method?

like image 422
Cui Pengfei 崔鹏飞 Avatar asked Oct 08 '12 14:10

Cui Pengfei 崔鹏飞

People also ask

What is purpose of companion object in Scala?

A companion object is an object that's declared in the same file as a class , and has the same name as the class. A companion object and its class can access each other's private members. A companion object's apply method lets you create new instances of a class without using the new keyword.

What are companion and singleton classes in Scala?

In scala, when you have a class with same name as singleton object, it is called companion class and the singleton object is called companion object. The companion class and its companion object both must be defined in the same source file.

What is the difference between Scala class and object?

Difference Between Scala Classes and Objects Definition: A class is defined with the class keyword while an object is defined using the object keyword. Also, whereas a class can take parameters, an object can't take any parameter. Instantiation: To instantiate a regular class, we use the new keyword.

What is a Scala object?

In Scala, an object is a named instance with members such as fields and methods. An object and a class that have the same name and which are defined in the same source file are known as companions. Companions has special access control properties, which is covered under Scala/Access modifiers.

1 Answers

It is important to understand that in scala, an object actually is a first class citizen: it is an actual instance that can be passed around as any other object. By example:

trait Greetings {
  def hello() { println("hello") }
  def bye() { println("bye") }

object FrenchGreetings extends Greetings {
  override def hello() { println("bonjour") }
  override def bye() { println("au revoir") }

def doSomething( greetings: Greetings ) {
  println("... doing some work ...")

doSomething( FrenchGreetings )

Unlike with static methods, our singleton object has full polymorphic beheviour. doSomething will indeed call our overriden hello and bye methods, and not the default implementations:

... doing some work ...
au revoir

So the object implementation must necessarily be a proper class. But for interoperability with java, the compiler also generates static methods that just forward to the unique instance (MODULE$) of the class (see JavaTrueRing.rule()). This way, a java program can access the methods of the singleton object as a normal static method. Now you might ask why scala does not put the static method forwarders in the same class as the instance methods. This would give us something like:

public final class JavaTrueRing implements ScalaObject {
  public static final  MODULE$;

  static {
    new JavaTrueRing();

  public void rule() {
    Predef.MODULE$.println("To rule them all");

  private JavaTrueRing() {
    MODULE$ = this;

  // Forwarders
  public static final void rule() {

I believe that the main reason why this can't be as simple is because in the JVM you cannot have in the same class an instance method and a static method wth the same signature. There might be other reasons though.

like image 110
Régis Jean-Gilles Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11

Régis Jean-Gilles