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New posts in companion-object

Curried case class constructor on companion

Kotlin - Is it possible to initialize companion object before the init block in a class?

What's the difference between a class with a companion object and a class and object with the same name?

Companion class requires import of Companion object methods and nested objects?

scala companion-object

how to access companion object from object instance in kotlin?

kotlin companion-object

Kotlin object vs companion-object vs package scoped methods

Android/Kotlin: Error: "Expecting a top level declaration > Task :app:buildInfoGeneratorDebug"

Access methods outside companion object - Kotlin

kotlin companion-object

Access application context in companion object in kotlin

How to talk about companion objects vs regular objects?

scala companion-object

Why do case class companion objects extend FunctionN?

How does Scala's apply() method magic work?

Kotlin: Difference between object and companion object in a class

What is the rationale behind having companion objects in Scala?

oop scala companion-object