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New posts in currying

How to curry a function across an unknown number of parameters

javascript currying

How is a partial application represented at runtime?

Partial function application prematurely runs codeblock when used with underscore

Is currying just a way to avoid inheritance?

What is a list of curried programming languages?

Ocaml's named parameters

How does function application with the $ operator curry in Haskell?

haskell currying

F# currying efficiency?

What is the point of multiple parameter clauses in function definitions in Scala?

What are the benefits of currying?

Memoizing multiplication

Collect arguments to apply to curried functions in Java/Scala

Currying groovy CPS closure for parallel execution

Is there a programming language that performs currying when named parameters are omitted?

Scala - Currying and default arguments

Why can I curry one of the patterns but not the other in my pattern matching?

Curry Function in Swift

swift currying

Passing list elements as parameters to curried function

haskell currying

Currying Functions Erlang

haskell erlang currying fold

Confusion about currying and point free style in Haskell

haskell currying pointfree