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Confusion about currying and point free style in Haskell

I was trying to implement the function

every :: (a -> IO Bool) -> [a] -> IO Bool 

which was the topic for this question. I tried to do this without explicit recursion. I came up with the following code

every f xs = liftM (all id) $ sequence $ map f xs

My function didn't work since it wasn't lazy (which was required in the question), so no upvotes there :-).

However, I did not stop there. I tried to make the function point-free so that it would be shorter (and perhaps even cooler). Since the arguments f and xs are the last ones in the expression I just dropped them:

every = liftM (all id) $ sequence $ map 

But this did not work as expected, in fact it didn't work at all:

    [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( stk.hs, interpreted )

        Couldn't match expected type `[m a]'
               against inferred type `(a1 -> b) -> [a1] -> [b]'
        In the second argument of `($)', namely `map'
        In the second argument of `($)', namely `sequence $ map'
        In the expression: liftM (all id) $ sequence $ map
    Failed, modules loaded: none.

Why is that? I was under the impression that it was possible to simply drop trailing function arguments, which basically is what currying is about.

like image 441
Jonas Avatar asked May 25 '09 16:05


1 Answers

The definition of $ is

f $ x = f x

Let's fully parenthesize your function:

every f xs = (liftM (all id)) (sequence ((map f) xs))

and your curried version:

every = (liftM (all id)) (sequence map)

As you noticed, these are not identical. You can only drop trailing function arguments when they are the last thing applied. For example,

f x = g c x

is actually

f x = (g c) x

and the application of (g c) to x comes last, so you can write

f = g c

One pattern with the application operator $ is that it often becomes the composition operator . in points-free versions. This is because

f $ g $ x

is equivalent to

(f . g) $ x

For example,

every f xs = liftM (all id) $ sequence $ map f xs

can become

every f xs = (liftM (all id) . sequence . map f) xs

at which point you can drop xs:

every f = liftM (all id) . sequence . map f

Eliminating the argument f is more difficult, because it is applied before the composition operator. Let's use the definition of dot from http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Pointfree:

dot = ((.) . (.))

With points, this is

(f `dot` g) x = f . g x

and is exactly what we need to make every fully points-free:

every = (liftM (all id) . sequence) `dot` map

Sadly, due to restrictions in the Haskell type system, this one needs an explicit type signature:

every :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m Bool
like image 178
Dave Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10
