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New posts in cpu-architecture

Can two fuseable pairs be decoded in the same clock cycle?

Which architecture to call Non-uniform memory access (NUMA)?

Why does the 80x87 instruction set use a "stack-based" design?

When accessing memory, will the page table accessed/dirty bit be set under a cache hit situation?

Conflict Miss v/s Compulsory Miss

CPU cache: does the distance between two address needs to be smaller than 8 bytes to have cache advantage?

Is processor can do memory and arithmetic operation at the same time?

Does memory fencing blocks threads in multi-core CPUs?

Is it possible for the RESOURCE_STALLS.RS event to occur even when the RS is not completely full?

RISCV: how the branch intstructions are calculated?

Is there any way to write for Intel CPU direct core-to-core communication code?

Why doesn't RFO after retirement break memory ordering?

Cortex M4 LDR/STR timing

How to find number of conflict misses in a cache simulator

Inclusive or exclusive ? L1, L2 cache in Intel Core IvyBridge processor

change instruction set in GCC

Why do 32-bit applications work on 64-bit x86 CPUs?

Can atomic instructions straddle cache lines?

Is the assembly language different from one architecture to another?

Understanding FMA instructions performance