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New posts in cpu-architecture

Haswell memory access

difference between speculation and prediction

Why did Intel change the static branch prediction mechanism over these years?

Why are C++ int and long types both 4 bytes?

c++ cpu-architecture

Branch target prediction in conjunction with branch prediction?

Does a thread waiting on IO also block a core?

TLB misses vs cache misses?

What is the purpose of the Parity Flag on a CPU?

When an interrupt occurs, what happens to instructions in the pipeline?

why are separate icache and dcache needed [duplicate]

How to target multiple architectures using NDK?

Why doesn't GCC use partial registers?

Difference between word addressable and byte addressable

How prevalent is branch prediction on current CPUs?

Branch Prediction and Division By Zero

What does the R stand for in RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RSI, RDI, RBP, RSP? [duplicate]

Differences between arm "versions?" (ARMv7 only)

linux arm cpu-architecture abi

What happens after a L2 TLB miss?

What's the purpose of the rotate instructions (ROL, RCL on x86)?

Cycles/cost for L1 Cache hit vs. Register on x86?