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New posts in cpu-architecture

Assembly: Why are we bothering with registers?

Design code to fit in CPU Cache?

How would you generically detect cache line associativity from user mode code?

Associativity gives us parallelizability. But what does commutativity give?

Problems with ADC/SBB and INC/DEC in tight loops on some CPUs

Why IA32 does not allow memory to memory mov? [duplicate]

What setup does REP do?

What is general difference between Superscalar and out-of-order (OoO) execution?

cpu cpu-architecture

How can I get the iOS device CPU architecture in runtime

descriptor concept in NIC

driver cpu-architecture nic

.csproj's platform specific ItemGroup works for assembly references but not content includes?

How are interrupts handled by dual processor machines?

Cache bandwidth per tick for modern CPUs

How can ARM's MOV instruction work with a large number as the second operand?

Are all programs eventually converted to assembly instructions?

Why are there only four registers?

x86 cpu-architecture

How many bits is a WORD and is that constant over different architectures?

Setup targeting both x86 and x64?

Does lock xchg have the same behavior as mfence?

How to deal with linker error : error-cannot find -lgcc