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New posts in configuration

Configuring Grails to use own DataSource implementation or to proxy the standard DataSource

Globally add "<@Assembly>" and "<@Import Namespace>" to Asp.net MVC views

asp.net-mvc configuration

Confused about jetty-env.xml

Using colons in ConfigParser Python

python file configuration

Read connectionStrings element of your app.config

How can we configure database connection from JBOSS?

Have Autoconf manually check for library when there is no .pc file

Emacs : -fh (full height) question

Where does WebMatrix save the site configuration?

what is "script name symbol" means for emacs set-fontset-font function?

Solr DataImportHandler logs into SQL but never fetches any data

Will nHibernate ShowSql have any effect on a live system?

Updating Configuration Profile installed in iOS device in MDM

In Spring 3.1 can <mvc:interceptors> be used in conjunction with @Configuration

symfony2 how do you create your own custom yml file to share globally?

symfony configuration yaml

Is there a configuration file for Numpy?

ConfigurationErrorsException/SecurityException/FileIOPermission reading application .config file during NLog instantiation

Shared schema and configuration across multiple Solr 4.6 cores

Solr: changing the data directory in Windows

windows solr configuration

Cassandra on Windows: Fatal configuration error

configuration cassandra