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New posts in spring-annotations

VSCode, Gradle, Spring Boot, Can't import javax.validation

Get bean of @Service annotated class?

Spring and Quartz integration with Java Config

How can I disable creating bean with @Component annotation in Spring?

When should we use @PreAuthorize and @Secured

Purpose of using permitAll() in PreAuthorize annotation in Spring Security

Spring: @Value vs. @Autowired

Some information about @MatrixVariable annotation ins Spring 3.2

How can the Spring Environment be injected properly in one method but not another?

How can I specify an instance-specific @Value in a @Scope("prototype") bean using annotations?

SpringMVC @PathVariable is truncated

@EnableAspectJAutoProxy not work with proxyTargetClass=false

What is the correct annotation configuration for Spring data and neo4j

Autowiring custom-made Spring component in Grails

spring 3.1 @Cacheable example

applicationContext not finding Controllers for Servlet context

Spring @Value empty list as default