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New posts in compiler-construction

Crenshaw's "Let's Build a Compiler": Transcription to C and x86 Assembler? [closed]

How can a compiler apply function elimination to impure functions?

Haskell GHC Dynamic Compliation Only works on first compile

Why is the copy assignment not deleted when the move assignment is declared?

Static analysis of virtual generic method calls

Is this interface binary compatible between MSVC and mingw?

Slow flash cs5 compilation

Why is this template code allowed to violate C++'s private access specifier?

What rules do I have to follow in order to ensure that a C++ type is POD? [duplicate]

Writing an extremely simple parser

How to simplify a C-style arithmetical expression containing variables during code generation?

How to learn Just-in-Time compilation? [closed]

C++ dynamic dispatch without vtables

Java changing variable name changes program behaviour

Why does a yield in a foreach-iteration through an array within a lock crash the VS2010 compiler?

Integrating antlr4 with LLVM

Converting Abstract Syntax Tree to Byte code

What makes a heap-based Scheme slower than a stack-based Scheme?

How do I use an exisiting function pass from my LLVM - pass?

Embedding boo in C#, does not recognise executing assembly