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How can a compiler apply function elimination to impure functions?

Often times when writing code, I find myself using a value from a particular function call multiple times. I realized that an obvious optimization would be to capture these repeatedly used values in variables. This (pseudo code):

function add1(foo){ foo + 1; }


function add1(foo){ foo + 1; }
bar = foo(1);

However, doing this explicitly makes code less readable in my experience. I assumed that compilers could not do this kind of optimization if our language of choice allows functions to have side-effects.

Recently I looked into this, and if I understand correctly, this optimization is/can be done for languages where functions must be pure. That does not surprise me, but supposedly this can also be done for impure functions. With a few quick Google searches I found these snippets: GCC 4.7 Fortran improvement

When performing front-end-optimization, the -faggressive-function-elimination option allows the removal of duplicate function calls even for impure functions.

Compiler Optimization (Wikipedia)

For example, in some languages functions are not permitted to have side effects. Therefore, if a program makes several calls to the same function with the same arguments, the compiler can immediately infer that the function's result need be computed only once. In languages where functions are allowed to have side effects, another strategy is possible. The optimizer can determine which function has no side effects, and restrict such optimizations to side effect free functions. This optimization is only possible when the optimizer has access to the called function.

From my understanding, this means that an optimizer can determine when a function is or is not pure, and perform this optimization when the function is. I say this because if a function always produces the same output when given the same input, and is side effect free, it would fulfill both conditions to be considered pure.

These two snippets raise two questions for me.

  1. How can a compiler be able to safely make this optimization if a function is not pure? (as in -faggressive-function-elimination)
  2. How can a compiler determine whether a function is pure or not? (as in the strategy suggested in the Wikipedia article)

and finally:

  • Can this kind of optimization be applied to any language, or only when certain conditions are met?
  • Is this optimization a worthwhile one even for extremely simple functions?
  • How much overhead does storing and retrieving a value from the stack incur?

I apologize if these are stupid or illogical questions. They are just some things I have been curious about lately. :)

like image 642
mio iwakura Avatar asked Sep 04 '12 23:09

mio iwakura

People also ask

How does Haskell handle impure functions?

Haskell compromises brilliantly, by fencing off pure and impure functions from one another in a manner akin to the const keyword of C/C++, and tricks us into believing impure functions are actually pure by pretending the real world is a value that can be threaded through them.

Which of the following is an example of impure function?

random() is an impure function; it changes the internal state of the Math object so you get different values on successive calls.

What is an impure function?

An impure function is a function that contains one or more side effects. It mutates data outside of its lexical scope and does not predictably produce the same output for the same input.

What is the side effect of impure function give example?

The return value of the impure functions does not solely depend on its arguments passed. Hence, if you call the impure functions with the same set of arguments, you might get different return values. For example, random( ), Date( ). They may modify the arguments which are passed to them.

1 Answers

Disclaimer: I'm not a compiler/optimizer guy, I only have a tendency to peek at the generated code, and like to read about that stuff - so that's not autorative. A quick search didn't turn up much on -faggressive-function-elimination, so it might do some extra magic not explained here.

An optimizer can

  • attempt to inline the function call (with link time code generation, this works even across compilation units)
  • perform common subexpression elimination, and, possibly, side effect reordering.

Modifying your example a bit, and doing it in C++:

extern volatile int RW_A = 0;  // see note below

int foo(int a)  { return a * a; }
void bar(int x) { RW_A = x; }

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

Resolves to (pseudocode)

<register> = 4;
RW_A = register;
RW_A = register;

(Note: reading from and writing to a volatile variable is an "observable side effect", that the optimizer must preserve in the same order given by the code.)

Modifying the example for foo to have a side effect:

extern volatile int RW_A = 0;
extern volatile int RW_B = 0;
int accu = 1;

int foo(int a)  { accu *= 2; return a * a; }
void bar(int x) { RW_A = x; }

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

   RW_B = accu;
   return 0;

generates the following pseudocode:

registerA = accu;
registerA += registerA;
accu = registerA;

registerA += registerA;
registerC = 4;
accu = registerA;

RW_A = registerC;
RW_A = registerC;

RW_B = registerA;

We observe that common subexpression elimination is still done, and separated from the side effects. Inlining and reordering allows to separate the side effects from the "pure" part.

Note that the compiler reads and eagerly writes back to accu, which wouldn't be necessary. I'm not sure on the rationale here.

To conclude:

A compiler does not need to test for purity. It can identify side effects that need to be preserved, and then transform the rest to its liking.

Such optimizations are worthwhile, even for trivial functions, because, among others,

  • CPU and memory are shared resources, what you use you might take away from someone else
  • Battery life
  • Minor optimizations may be gateways to larger ones

The overhead for a stack memory access is usually ~1 cycle, since the top of stack is usually in Level 1 cache already. Note that the usually should be in bold: it can be "even better", since the read / write may be optimized away, or it can be worse since the increased pressure on L1 cache flushes some other important data back to L2.

Where's the limit?

Theoretically, compile time. In practice, predictability and correctness of the optimizer are additional tradeoffs.

All tests with VC2008, default optimization settings for "Release" build.

like image 197
peterchen Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10
