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New posts in compiler-construction

C object file compatibility between computers

Global type inference in the Scheme compiler Stalin

Compiler compiler that consumes BNF

What does a parser for C++ do until it can differentiate between comparisons and template instantiations?

C++ include .h includes .cpp with same name as well?

How to leverage multicore CPUs when compiling C# projects in a large solution?

Visual Studio 2010 + Target Framework 3.5. What version of c# compiler will be used?

How long does Glibc take to compile?

Implications of deploying a Debug build of an application?

Compile Ruby with its C API

Are anonymous backing fields still created for virtual auto-implemented properties when they are overridden?

Combining the 'using' directive with partial overloading: gcc feature or intel bug?

How do I list all local variables within a Java method / function?

Useless expectation from compiler when dealing with generics?

Java - should I use constants for log messages? [closed]

C++ program compatible with Windows 95

Run dynamically generated assembly in C (GNU/Linux)

Generating Scala code trees from a Scala compiler plugin

Character position in scanner using Lex/Flex

How is a situation when different implementations of an inline function are linked into one executable classified?