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New posts in caching

Rails low level cache not working in development mode

ruby-on-rails caching

Can a lower level cache have higher associativity and still hold inclusion?

Any HTTP proxies with explicit, configurable support for request/response buffering and delayed connections?

caching proxy mobile nginx squid

Platforms for running memcached

Caching image requests through PHP - If-Modified-Since not being sent

php apache caching header

How can I set the Cache-Control header for every response in Catalyst?

.NET 4.0 Implementing OutputCacheProvider

asp.net caching .net-4.0

IE 8 Caching Problem

How to reset IIS (or otherwise clear cache) when restarting a web application?

Using ASP.NET MVC OutputCache while varying View content based on whether user is authenticated

NHibernate 3 Linq query caching

c# nhibernate caching

Solution to implementing caching layer in pl/sql

How to force Magento to use APC cache

Generating a unique cache key based on method arguments

c# .net asp.net caching

Serialization not allowed in Magento?

caching magento

Caching JSON data

C# 4.0 MemoryCache - how to evict dependent cache entries when changes are made to their dependencies

Force browser cache refresh for multiple resources (CSS & Javascript)

caching browser

Sinatra set cache_control to static files in public folder compile error

ruby caching sinatra

Using python dictionary as a temporary in-memory key-value database?